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“Saved by Grace has helped me in so many different ways. They have helped me when I didn't even know I can help myself. But when I first got sober I didn't even think I can do it. Pastor Ronnie and all the rest of his staff held my hand while walking into this new journey in life called sobriety. I appreciate that Pastor Ronnie allowed me to develop into the man that I am today. He never wavered or judged me. His teachings allowed me the chance to express myself about my life, and for that, I will always be with connected to him. Thank you for allowing ME, the time to develop into the man that I needed to be on my time. I love you guys. Thanks.”                                             


- Teddy Tolliver

“Saved by Grace Ministries has helped me in countless ways over the past two years. Pastor Ronnie Muniz is always there with spiritual words of encouragement and always there when I seemed to be down. He has a way with words that not everyone can appreciate but I always benefit from his advice.


He is always open and eager to teach the word of the Lord and he is awesome with helping all kinds of people understand. He is passionate about his beliefs and he is always happy to help the growth of others. Pastor Muniz always reminded me that things could be worse and to be grateful for what I have.


He helped me spiritually on many occasions as well as in the business world by getting my fashion business recognized at Cesar Chavez parade this year. That opportunity was a huge step for me and a great intro to my business. I will always be thankful to him for that push and that chance. He gave tough love but he always kept God involved which always reminded me to have faith. I am thankful for Saved by Grace because it inspires and motivates my friend Ronnie to touch the lives of others and to help many people on his journey of life.


I have watched him plan, strategize, get partners, get donations, clothes, grants, and countless other things in the name of Saved by Grace all in the spirit of helping others do better, and that is an inspiration to me that the world is not so bad after all. I am very glad to have Pastor Muniz in my life as a mentor and big brother.”


- Shalawn Bozman

“I was introduced to Saved by Grace by my girlfriend who is now my wife. Saved by Grace helped my life turn around in such a positive way. I was a drug addict and gang affiliated and had that street mentality and I was very in that world. My life was going downhill, I didn't know where to go anymore and what to do with my life. When I met Pastor Ronnie Muniz, he taught me so much and told me his testimony about whom he used to be. I was surprised when he told me whom he used to be, because he is now is totally different. I know God used him to open my eyes. Being part of Saved by Grace saved my life from getting deeper in the world of drugs and gangs.


I've been to different churches growing up as a Catholic, but none of them seemed right, I had no relationship with the person I needed to have a relationship with, Jesus. Being part of Saved by Grace opened my eyes to that. I honestly didn't know who Jesus was til I got baptized and became a Born Again Christian. Pastor Ronnie Muniz was not just a Pastor or a teacher, he was my spiritual father and still is. I will never forget what God has done for me thru Pastor Ronnie. It's something I will bring when I'm bowing before God. I will never be ashamed to say I am part of Saved by Grace. 


For those who have drug addiction, were former gang members, sex addicts, etc. Saved by Grace is the Church to go to, because the Pastor of this Church is someone that used to have the same issue but God molded him to lead people back to Jesus.


- Sean Reyes

“Saved by Grace ministries introduces the opportunity for those who have found themselves in a place where they think there is no other way out. I did not think too much of it until I needed to find some guidance in some struggles in my life. Saved by Grace started becoming a place to routinely come to, then transitioned into a part of my life, and ending up as my second family. This was a live, active ministry that was seeking to share the Word of the Lord and to remind others of the chance that they still have. Saved by Grace is something to commit to but in return, those associated with Saved by Grace are committed back as well. 


There are not too many places like this; where expectations are non-existent and friendship constantly surrounds the room. The best part about Saved by Grace is that there is always room to grow together. 


- Francesca Marie Flores




“I've known Pastor Ronnie for many years growing up in the mission district. We did what most teenagers in the Misson did and the last thing on my mind back then was the Word of the Lord. Violence, drugs, and gangbangers were the only family I knew.  But by the Grace of the Lord, I never lost my life. I was state-raised and continued the teaching I learned on the streets and somehow made it thru all of this trauma. But I never lived -  I just existed. Endless episodes of using drugs, depression, and guilt dictated my life. By now I had two children and I went from job to job most of the time spending most of my paycheck on drugs and always needing help from family who by this time would've let me fail because of the years of me stealing and using them.  But they couldn't because they knew how important my innocent kids were and I didn't! !!


About fifteen years ago I was so empty, tired and so hopeless, I can't even describe it in words. I had a friend that found the Lord and he was trying to share his love with me. I tried to avoid him but the Lord had plans for me, so one day I ended up at the YMCA in a small room with a small gathering of people I ran within the part. Then I saw Ronnie and I thought wow -  how can I sit here and listen to a man I ran with doing dirt in the 80s?  But I was there so I don't want to disrespect my homie! .So i gave him a hug and sat down.  Pastor Ronnie spoke and something profound happened and I felt something i've never felt before. The Lord broke thru my resistance and I heard and felt Jesus coming thru Ronnie I wanted to cry.  one sentence popped in my head over and over again  - he is a beacon of light!  I felt weak, relaxed, at peace. I can't tell you how long I went thru life without feeling at peace. I felt like I mattered like I have hope. My family changed. I changed. We continued to attend Saved By Grace. We started to live and prayed together read the Bible together and grew together. I've seen many souls touched by Pastor Ronnie and Saved by Grace that couldn't be touched by anyone else.


Ronnie works harder than anyone I know to help those souls that most have forgotten. He goes into jails and to the streets tirelessly with a vigorous attitude. He and Saved by Grace is a necessity for those of us whom society shuns. I can humbly say that without Saved by Grace reaching down to the lowest part of the street to pull me out of despair and darkness, I wouldn't be able to write this statement. I have become a father who raised a son that graduated high school and is now waiting for a departure date to go to the Navy and a daughter who has always been top of her class was sworn in to the police academy as a junior cadet. She is now attending Sonoma state university on a full scholarship and has gotten straight A’s on all her midterms. I’m a teamster now working towards a good pension. I have a new car that i don't need to worry about breaking down I  now know the Lord's grace and love my nine year old son who is a student at the top of his class and plays every sport there is. But most importantly he craves church and the word -  all this because of a beautiful, selfless human being who is a humble man of God dedicated to saving souls. Saved by Grace needs to exist and grow so many hopeless souls like I was so they can live! !!! God is good and Lord Jesus please continue to bless Pastor Ronnie and Saved by Grace. Amen. “    


-David Bruce

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